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From SnesLab
Revision as of 22:22, 27 April 2023 by Xetheria (talk | contribs) (stop the clock -> stop the processor; as this is an acronyms page, I think it's important to give the correct expansion)
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Here is a list of common acronyms used in SNES terminology. This includes opcodes and what not.

  ROM		;Read Only Memory
  RAM		;Random Access Memory
  WRAM		;Work RAM (AKA normal RAM)
  VRAM		;Video RAM
  ARAM		;Audio RAM
  SRAM		;Static RAM
  CGRAM		;Color Generator RAM
  OAM		;Object Attribute Memory
  SPC		;Sound Processing Chip
  DSP		;Digital Signal Processor
  PPU		;Picture Processing Unit
  CPU		;Central Processing Unit
  CGADSUB	;Color Generator Addition/Subtraction
  DMA		;Direct Memory Access
  H-DMA		;Horizontal Direct Memory Access
  IRQ		;Interrupt Request
  NMI		;Non-Maskable Interrupt
  H-Blank	;Horizontal Blank
  V-Blank	;Vertical Blank
  F-Blank	;Force Blank
  OBJ		;Object (also known as "Sprite")
  BG		;Background (also known as "Layer")
  BRR		;Bit Rate Reduction

SMW Hacking

  LM		;Lunar Magic
  OW		;Overworld
  GFX		;Graphics
  SFX		;Sound effect (not SuperFX)
  ST		;Sprite tool
  BT		;Blocktool
  BTSD		;Blocktool Super Deluxe


  ADC		;Add with Carry
  AND		;AND Accumulator
  ASL		;Accumulator Shift Left
  BCC		;Branch if Carry Clear
  BCS		;Branch if Carry Set
  BEQ		;Branch if Equal
  BIT		;Bit Test
  BMI		;Branch if Minus
  BNE		;Branch if Not Equal
  BPL		;Branch if Plus
  BRA		;Branch Always
  BRK		;Software Break
  BRL		;Branch Always Long
  BVC		;Branch if Overflow Clear
  BVS		;Branch if Overflow Set
  CLC		;Clear Carry flag
  CLD		;Clear Decimal flag
  CLI		;Clear Interrupt flag
  CLV		;Clear Overflow flag
  CMP		;Compare Accumulator
  COP		;Coprocesssor Empowerment
  CPX		;Compare X
  CPY		;Compare Y
  DEC		;Decrease Accumulator
  DEX		;Decrease X
  DEY		;Decrease Y
  EOR		;Exclusive OR Accumulator
  INC		;Increase Accumulator
  INX		;Increase X
  INY		;Increase Y
  JML		;Jump Long
  JMP		;Jump
  JSL		;Jump to Subroutine Long
  JSR		;Jump to Subroutine
  LDA		;Load Accumulator
  LDX		;Load X
  LDY		;Load Y
  LSR		;Logical Shift Right
  MVN		;Move Negative
  MVP		;Move Positive
  NOP		;No Operation
  ORA		;OR Accumulator
  PEA		;Push Effective Address
  PEI		;Push Effective Indirect address
  PER		;Push program counter Relative
  PHA		;Push Accumulator
  PHB		;Push Bank
  PHD		;Push Direct page
  PHK		;Push program bank
  PHP		;Push Processor status flags
  PHX		;Push X
  PHY		;Push Y
  PLA		;Pull Accumulator
  PLB		;Pull Bank
  PLD		;Pull Direct page
  PLP		;Pull Processor status flags
  PLX		;Pull X
  PLY		;Pull Y
  REP		;Reset Processor status
  ROL		;Rotate Left
  ROR		;Rotate Right
  RTI		;Return from Interrupt
  RTL		;Return from subroutine Long
  RTS		;Return from Subroutine
  SBC		;Subtract with Carry
  SEC		;Set Carry flag
  SED		;Set Decimal flag
  SEI		;Set Interrupt flag
  SEP		;Set Processor status
  STA		;Store Accumulator
  STP		;Stop the processor
  STX		;Store X
  STY		;Store Y
  STZ		;Store Zero
  TAX		;Transfer Accumulator to X
  TAY		;Transfer Accumulator to Y
  TCD		;Transfer Accumulator to Direct page
  TCS		;Transfer Accumulator to Stack pointer
  TDC		;Transfer Direct page to Accumulator
  TRB		;Test and Reset Bit
  TSB		;Test and Set Bit
  TSC		;Transfer Stack pointer to Accumulator
  TSX		;Transfer Stack pointer to X
  TXA		;Transfer X to Accumulator
  TXS		;Transfer X to Stack pointer
  TXY		;Transfer X to Y
  TYA		;Transfer Y to Accumulator
  TYX		;Transfer Y to X
  WAI		;Wait for Interrupt
  WDM		;William David Mensch
  XBA		;Exchange B and A
  XCE		;Exchange Carry and Emulation bit