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Bithacks are optimization tricks that utilize information in bits and bit manipulation to accomplish their tasks. Usually they work in a slightly non-obvious way, (the most famous being the fast inverse sqrt), and bit manipulation in general is harder on the 65c816. To that end here is a collection of some useful tricks.
Note: cycle counts are intended to be a worst case measure.

Math Bithacks

Signed Division By 2 (5 bytes / 10 cycles)
inputs: A
outputs: A

STA $00
ASL $00

Signed Division By 2n (6+2n bytes / 5+2n cycles)
inputs: A, n
outputs: A

; signed division by two, n times
macro SignedDiv_2N(n)
	BMI ?negative
	LSR #!n
	BRA ?end
	LSR #!n
	ORA #($FF<<(8-!n))	; sign extension

Misc. Tricks

As this list grows tricks here will be consolidated into their own sections. Clever optimization tricks that aren't necessarily what someone might personally call a "bithack" are okay here as well!