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A byte, also referred to as an octet, is a unit of space used on computers. Calculation

A byte can be represented in different ways. The first way is by a string of 8 binary (either 0 or 1) digits. Each of these digits is equal to one bit, which means that there are 8 bits in 1 byte. The second way is through two digits in the hexadecimal numbering system, which uses base 16 as opposed to base 10 (i.e. the decimal number system). Each digit in the hexadecimal representation is equal to 4 bits (which is equal to 1 nibble).

If you counted out every possible combination of 8 bits, you would get 256 total possible combinations. Due to this, one byte can hold one of 256 total possible values, which range between either 0 and 255 (unsigned byte) or between -128 and 127 (signed byte).

Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex
0000 0000  00    0001 0000  10    0010 0000  20    0011 0000  30    0100 0000  40    0101 0000  50    0110 0000  60    0111 0000  70
0000 0001  01    0001 0001  11    0010 0001  21    0011 0001  31    0100 0001  41    0101 0001  51    0110 0001  61    0111 0001  71
0000 0010  02    0001 0010  12    0010 0010  22    0011 0010  32    0100 0010  42    0101 0010  52    0110 0010  62    0111 0010  72
0000 0011  03    0001 0011  13    0010 0011  23    0011 0011  33    0100 0011  43    0101 0011  53    0110 0011  63    0111 0011  73
0000 0100  04    0001 0100  14    0010 0100  24    0011 0100  34    0100 0100  44    0101 0100  54    0110 0100  64    0111 0100  74
0000 0101  05    0001 0101  15    0010 0101  25    0011 0101  35    0100 0101  45    0101 0101  55    0110 0101  65    0111 0101  75
0000 0110  06    0001 0110  16    0010 0110  26    0011 0110  36    0100 0110  46    0101 0110  56    0110 0110  66    0111 0110  76
0000 0111  07    0001 0111  17    0010 0111  27    0011 0111  37    0100 0111  47    0101 0111  57    0110 0111  67    0111 0111  77 
0000 1000  08    0001 1000  18    0010 1000  28    0011 1000  38    0100 1000  48    0101 1000  58    0110 1000  68    0111 1000  78
0000 1001  09    0001 1001  19    0010 1001  29    0011 1001  39    0100 1001  49    0101 1001  59    0110 1001  69    0111 1001  79
0000 1010  0A    0001 1010  1A    0010 1010  2A    0011 1010  3A    0100 1010  4A    0101 1010  5A    0110 1010  6A    0111 1010  7A
0000 1011  0B    0001 1011  1B    0010 1011  2B    0011 1011  3B    0100 1011  4B    0101 1011  5B    0110 1011  6B    0111 1011  7B 
0000 1100  0C    0001 1100  1C    0010 1100  2C    0011 1100  3C    0100 1100  4C    0101 1100  5C    0110 1100  6C    0111 1100  7C
0000 1101  0D    0001 1101  1D    0010 1101  2D    0011 1101  3D    0100 1101  4D    0101 1101  5D    0110 1101  6D    0111 1101  7D
0000 1110  0E    0001 1110  1E    0010 1110  2E    0011 1110  3E    0100 1110  4E    0101 1110  5E    0110 1110  6E    0111 1110  7E 
0000 1111  0F    0001 1111  1F    0010 1111  2F    0011 1111  3F    0100 1111  4F    0101 1111  5F    0110 1111  6F    0111 1111  7F

Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex   Binary     Hex
1000 0000  80    1001 0000  90    1010 0000  A0    1011 0000  B0    1100 0000  C0    1101 0000  D0    1110 0000  E0    1111 0000  F0
1000 0001  81    1001 0001  91    1010 0001  A1    1011 0001  B1    1100 0001  C1    1101 0001  D1    1110 0001  E1    1111 0001  F1
1000 0010  82    1001 0010  92    1010 0010  A2    1011 0010  B2    1100 0010  C2    1101 0010  D2    1110 0010  E2    1111 0010  F2
1000 0011  83    1001 0011  93    1010 0011  A3    1011 0011  B3    1100 0011  C3    1101 0011  D3    1110 0011  E3    1111 0011  F3
1000 0100  84    1001 0100  94    1010 0100  A4    1011 0100  B4    1100 0100  C4    1101 0100  D4    1110 0100  E4    1111 0100  F4
1000 0101  85    1001 0101  95    1010 0101  A5    1011 0101  B5    1100 0101  C5    1101 0101  D5    1110 0101  E5    1111 0101  F5
1000 0110  86    1001 0110  96    1010 0110  A6    1011 0110  B6    1100 0110  C6    1101 0110  D6    1110 0110  E6    1111 0110  F6
1000 0111  87    1001 0111  97    1010 0111  A7    1011 0111  B7    1100 0111  C7    1101 0111  D7    1110 0111  E7    1111 0111  F7 
1000 1000  88    1001 1000  98    1010 1000  A8    1011 1000  B8    1100 1000  C8    1101 1000  D8    1110 1000  E8    1111 1000  F8
1000 1001  89    1001 1001  99    1010 1001  A9    1011 1001  B9    1100 1001  C9    1101 1001  D9    1110 1001  E9    1111 1001  F9
1000 1010  8A    1001 1010  9A    1010 1010  AA    1011 1010  BA    1100 1010  CA    1101 1010  DA    1110 1010  EA    1111 1010  FA
1000 1011  8B    1001 1011  9B    1010 1011  AB    1011 1011  BB    1100 1011  CB    1101 1011  DB    1110 1011  EB    1111 1011  FB 
1000 1100  8C    1001 1100  9C    1010 1100  AC    1011 1100  BC    1100 1100  CC    1101 1100  DC    1110 1100  EC    1111 1100  FC
1000 1101  8D    1001 1101  9D    1010 1101  AD    1011 1101  BD    1100 1101  CD    1101 1101  DD    1110 1101  ED    1111 1101  FD
1000 1110  8E    1001 1110  9E    1010 1110  AE    1011 1110  BE    1100 1110  CE    1101 1110  DE    1110 1110  EE    1111 1110  FE 
1000 1111  8F    1001 1111  9F    1010 1111  AF    1011 1111  BF    1100 1111  CF    1101 1111  DF    1110 1111  EF    1111 1111  FF


Short for binary digit (which comes from the initial 'bi' and the ending 't'), a bit is the smallest unit of information used in computers and other machines. It uses a value of either 1 or 0. Eight bits make up one byte.