Emulation Mode Flag
The Emulation Mode Flag (E) controls whether the 65c816 is behaving like a 6502.
When clear, the MPU is in 65c816 native mode.
When set, the MPU is in 6502 emulation mode.
This flag cannot be modified directly and is normally hidden from the programmer. To modify it, use the XCE instruction to swap its value with the carry flag's value.
The flag is set when a RESET interrupt is fired. In other words, the CPU always starts in emulation mode at boot and after a reset.
The 65c816 does not attempt to emulate the illegal 6502 opcodes.
For writing new SNES code it is recommended to always stay in native mode even if dealing with 8 bit data. One reason is page boundary crossing incur a one cycle penalty in emulation mode. Emulation mode emulates the NMOS 6502 cycle counts.
Emulation code need not be in bank 0.
- Figure 17.3, Eyes & Lichty page 377, https://archive.org/details/0893037893ProgrammingThe65816/page/377
- Clark, Bruce. http://www.6502.org/tutorials/65c816opcodes.html#APPENDIX