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Code Library

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People have been hacking SMW for many years now and it's no surprise some routines are common among different hackers. There's no need to recreate the wheel for every patch. Here are some common subroutines. Block Routines


    LDA #$02
    STA $9C
    JSL $00BEB0
    LDA #$02
    LDA #$00 ;01 for rainbow
    JSL $028663

Sprite Routines

Block Shatter. This code then the normal block shatter code.

    LDA $0A ;\
    AND #$F0 ;| Update the position
    STA $9A ;| of the block
    LDA $0B ;| so it doesn't shatter
    STA $9B ;| where the players at
    LDA $0C ;|
    AND #$F0 ;|
    STA $98 ;|
    LDA $0D ;|
    STA $99 ;/