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APU Oscillator
From SnesLab
(Redirected from X2)

The APU oscillator (X2) is in region 3C of the jwdonal schematic
The APU oscillator (X2) is clocked at 24.6 MHz, slightly faster than the master clock.
- Side 1 is XTALO, connected to pin 45 of the S-DSP and C72.
- Side 2 is XTALI, connected to pin 46 of the S-DSP and C71.
It is not connected to anything else. XTAL stands for "crystal," but according to a board photo[3] X2 is actually a ceramic oscillator. It does not clock the S-SMP directly.
See Also
- http://problemkaputt.de/fullsnes.htm#snestimingoscillators
- Figure 2-22-1 on page 2-22-2 of the official Super Nintendo development manual
- Sanglard, Fabien. The Hearts of the Super Nintendo. https://fabiensanglard.net/snes_hearts