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The Stack is a buffer which remembers the state of subroutines that are currently executing.

On the 65c816, the stack is always in bank zero.[3] It can be thousands of bytes deep.[1]

In emulation mode it wraps within page one.[2]

The stack grows towards zero, but the most recently pushed byte is nontheless called the top of the stack.[4] These instructions push things to the stack:

PL* instructions take one cycle more than their PH* counterparts. These instructions pull things from the stack:

Note the lack of PLK. PHS and PLS similarly do not exist, nor do any instructions performing the inverse of PEA, PEI, or PER.

See Also


  1. Wilson, Garth. https://wilsonminesco.com/816myths
  2. Clark, Bruce. http://www.6502.org/tutorials/65c816opcodes.html#5.1.1
  3. section 2.11 of 65c816 datasheet: https://www.westerndesigncenter.com/wdc/documentation/w65c816s.pdf
  4. Eyes & Lichty, page 33