N-SPC Engine
Nintendo SPC Sound Engine, abbreviated N-SPC and officially known as Kankichi-kun [1], is the most common sound engine used in all of the SNES/SFC games. Only the music portion was initially provided in the source code included in the IS-Sound unit along with some templating for a protocol for music and sound effects [2]: usually it was modified by developers on an individual basis, resulting in many different variants, some of them more heavily modifying the sound driver than others. Usually what was added on was sound effect support, but sometimes the music VCMDs were modified as well.
The following games are purely based off of the source code provided with the IS-Sound unit, and are either unmodified or barely modified, if at all:
Game Name | VCMD Table Location ($E0 and up) | ROM Offset |
Hong Kong '97 | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x0F800A (both versions) |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi - Bangai Hen | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x01801C |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 Trial Version | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x01801C |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x03801C |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 2 Remix | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x01801C |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 Trial Version | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x018058 |
SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 (Alt 1) | 0x0DF0, relative to 0x0D30 | 0x018076 |
Wheel of Fortune - Deluxe Edition (unused) | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x01D842 |
Of the games listed here, three of them are very minor edits...
- Hong Kong '97 has a typo in the ESA DSP register setup due to using register ID $FE instead of $6D that is not present in the others.
- Wheel of Fortune - Deluxe Edition's build is unused and is missing an opcode near the *Ver S1.20* string. In addition, that section is actually unused, because instead new code at $0700 is used to substitute for this one... which happens to be an exact match to the original IPL Boot ROM.
- SM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3 (Alt 1)'s program starts with a JMP opcode, and contains a NOP between the first and second opcodes of the actual program.
The raw build sorting notes can be found here (along with all of the other source variant builds that don't have a significant enough difference execution-wise).
Communication with the SNES
NOTE: This is not representative of every single variant. Instead, it represents the collection of commands from the source code included in the IS-Sound unit, which in turn may be carried over to most variants.
The only register that is used for communication in the source build is $2140 (SNES side)/$F4 (SPC side), except for the load command. Other registers are not even read from, though the code itself sets up the framework to do so.
Output to the SNES
xx ?? ?? ??
- xx is the currently piece of music playing. It takes a couple of tempo ticks for this to echo back after initializing the music.
Command IDs
Command ID | Description | Register Values & Arguments |
$00 | Stop Music | $00 ?? ?? ?? |
$01-?? | Play Music | xx ?? ?? ?? |
$F0 | Pause Music | $F0 ?? ?? ?? |
$F1 | Continue Music | $F1 ?? ?? ?? |
$FF | Load New Data | $FF ?? xx xx |
Stop Music (Command $00)
Initializes an invalid phrase pointer, then stops the previous piece of music. This is not compatible with the resume command, as it is irrevocable, unlike the other one.
Play Music (Command $01-??)
Stops a previous piece of music, then plays a piece of music by the ID specified in the command.
Pause Music (Command $F0)
Stops music, allowing it to be resumed later.
Continue Music (Command $F1)
Resumes a paused song.
Load New Data (Command $FF)
Jumps to a modified copy of the IPL Boot ROM (except for Wheel of Fortune - Deluxe Edition, where there is an opcode missing, the jump location is different, and it contains an exact copy of the IPL Boot ROM).
TODO Loading New Data (the loading protocol is nearly identical to IPL Boot ROM, with a couple of differences)
Instrument Format
The instrument format is most commonly defined as direct writes to DSP registers for the first four bytes, followed by two pitch-related bytes. They are defined like this....
%xyyyyyyy zz aa bb cc dd
- %x is a noise clock switch.
- If set, noise is used and %??yyyyy represents the noise clock rate.
- If cleared, %0yyyyyyy is a direct write to the VxSRCN DSP register.
- zz is a direct write to the VxADSR1 DSP register.
- aa is a direct write to the VxADSR2 DSP register.
- bb is a direct write to the VxGAIN DSP register.
- cc is a pitch base multiplier.
- dd is a fractional pitch base multiplier, defined in 256ths.
Phrase Format
Song entries, stored as little endian pointers, point to a list of phrases for the song to play.
Command ID | Description | Arguments |
$00 $00 | End of Song | |
%0xxxxxxx $00 $01-$7F $00 |
Jump x Times | yy yy |
$80 $00 | Fast Forward On | |
$81 $00 | Fast Forward Off | |
%1??????? $00 $82-$FF $00 |
Always Jump | xx xx |
xx xx | Play Pattern | xx xx |
Play Pattern
xx xx
- xx xx is a little endian pointer to a set of eight pointers to track data, one for each channel.
Pattern Entry Format
xx xx yy yy zz zz aa aa bb bb cc cc dd dd ee ee
- xx xx is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 1. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- yy yy is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 2. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- zz zz is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 3. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- aa aa is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 4. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- bb bb is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 5. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- cc cc is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 6. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- dd dd is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 7. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
- ee ee is a little endian pointer to a pattern order list for channel 8. If the pointer is zero, there is no track data.
End of Song (Command $00 $00)
$00 $00
Terminates the song.
Jump x Times (Command $00 $01-$7F)
%0xxxxxxx $00 yy yy
- %xxxxxxx is the number of times to jump.
- yy yy is a little endian pointer to a phrase to jump to.
Fast Forward On (Command $00 $80)
$80 $00
Fast Forward causes the song to stop playing and the player rapidly progresses throughout the song. Thus, this can effectively act as a skip.
Fast Forward Off (Command $00 $81)
$81 $00
Disables Fast Forward and continues playing the song normally.
Always Jump (Command $00 $82-$FF)
%1??????? $00 xx xx
Only executes if the fast forward commands are not triggered.
- xx xx is a little endian pointer to a phrase to jump to.
Voice Command Format
NOTE: This is not representative of every single variant. Instead, it represents the collection of VCMDs from the source code included in the IS-Sound unit, which in turn is carried over to most variants.
VCMD ID | Description | Arguments |
$00 | Phrase Termination/End of Subroutine | |
$01-$7F | Note Duration | (%0yyyzzzz) |
$80-$C7 | Note | |
$C8 | Tie | |
$C9 | Rest | |
$CA-$DF | Percussion | |
$E0 | Instrument | xx |
$E1 | Panning | %xy?zzzzz |
$E2 | Panning Fade | xx yy |
$E3 | Vibrato On | xx yy zz |
$E4 | Vibrato Off | |
$E5 | Song Volume | xx |
$E6 | Song Volume Fade | xx yy zz |
$E7 | Tempo | xx |
$E8 | Tempo Fade | xx yy |
$E9 | Global Absolute Transposition | xx |
$EA | Single Channel Absolute Transposition | xx |
$EB | Tremolo On | xx yy zz |
$EC | Tremolo Off | |
$ED | Volume | xx |
$EE | Volume Fade | xx yy |
$EF | Subroutine | xx xx yy |
$F0 | Vibrato Fade In | xx |
$F1 | Note Pitch Envelope To | xx yy zz |
$F2 | Note Pitch Envelope From | xx yy zz |
$F3 | Note Pitch Envelope Off | |
$F4 | Fine Tune | xx |
$F5 | Echo Enable Bits and Volume | %xxxxxxxx yy zz |
$F6 | Echo Off | |
$F7 | Echo Parameter Setup | xx yy zz |
$F8 | Echo Volume Fade | xx yy zz |
$F9 | Pitch Slide to Note | xx yy zz |
$FA | Percussion Base Instrument ID Redefine | xx |
$FB | NOP | ?? ?? |
$FC | Channel Mute | |
$FD | Fast Forward On | |
$FE | Fast Forward Off | |
$FF | Invalid |
Invalid (VCMD $FF)
Crashes the sound driver due to being outside of the array of pointers, and thus jumping to an invalid pointer.
$FB ?? ??
Reads two bytes, then does absolutely nothing with the command.
Phrase Termination/End of Subroutine (VCMD $00)
This VCMD's operation depends on whether or not it is inside a subroutine or not. If it is inside a subroutine, it exits the subroutine and song execution continues. Otherwise, the phrase is terminated. This affects all channels in the music: any other channels still playing are interrupted.
Note Duration (VCMD $01-$7F)
%0xxxxxxx (%0yyyzzzz)
- %xxxxxxx represents your note length (as seven bits) in tempo ticks.
- %yyy, if the highest bit of the byte is not set, defines the quantization. It is an index value to a table of values that indicate, in 256ths, how far along the note to play before keying it off. This table can vary on a per-game basis.
- %zzzz, which is only defined if the highest bit of the byte is not set, defines the velocity. It is an index to a table of values that indicate the volume in a decibel-like number (due to the final volume calculation being multiplied by itself at the end). This table can vary on a per-game basis.
Notes and/or special VCMDs, by default, are forced after the parameter byte is read. Attempting to use $00-$7F again results in an invalid note.
Note (VCMD $80-$C7)
Plays a note and delays the channel for one note length before reading another VCMD.
Tie (VCMD $C8)
Continues playing the previous note and delays the channel for one note length before reading another VCMD.
Rest (VCMD $C9)
Keys off the previous note and delays the channel for one note length before reading another VCMD.
Percussion (VCMD $CA-$DF)
Plays a percussion note.
By default, percussion uses the same instrument set as the song, and all percussion is keyed on with a note of $A4. The starting ID to use for all channels can be redefined by VCMD $FA.
Instrument (VCMD $E0)
$E0 xx
- xx is an instrument ID to an array of instruments. See Instrument Format above for the format.
Panning (VCMD $E1)
$E1 %xy?zzzzz
- %x defines a phase inversion switch for the left channel.
- %y defines a phase inversion switch for the right channel.
- %zzzzz is five bits for the panning. This refers to an array of values to multiply the volume by after calculating the voice volume via various other parameters set by the VCMDs. Under normal circumstances, center is defined as $0A and the maximum value is $14.
Panning Fade (VCMD $E2)
$E2 xx yy
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to fade for.
- yy is the target pan value. Phase inversion is not taken into account here, thus only the low five bits should be used here.
Vibrato On (VCMD $E3)
$E3 xx yy zz
- xx is the number of tempo ticks to delay the vibrato for.
- yy is the rate of the vibrato: specifically, how much to change the pitch on a per-tempo tick basis.
- zz is the depth of the vibrato: that is, the maximum pitch offset to use. $00-$F0 are normal, but $F1 and up act more like said value ANDed by $0F and multiplied by $0100, meaning the highest values have drastic differences compared to the lower ones.
Vibrato Off (VCMD $E4)
Disables vibrato set by VCMD $E3.
Song Volume (VCMD $E5)
$E5 xx
- xx is the song volume value. This sets the volume for all of the channels in the song. The value used is a decibel-like value due to the final volume being multiplied by itself to get the final result.
Song Volume Fade (VCMD $E6)
$E6 xx yy
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to fade for.
- yy is the target song volume.
Tempo (VCMD $E7)
$E7 xx
- xx defines one tempo tick as one timer 0 tick multiplied by . Zero freezes the song.
Tempo Fade (VCMD $E8)
$E8 xx yy
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to fade for.
- yy is the target tempo.
Global Absolute Transposition (VCMD $E9)
$E9 xx
- xx is a signed value defining the number of semitones to transpose subsequent notes. Note that this affects all channels, not just one channel.
Single Channel Absolute Transposition (VCMD $EA)
$EA xx
- xx is a signed value defining the number of semitones to transpose subsequent notes.
Tremolo On (VCMD $EB)
$EB xx yy zz
- xx is the number of tempo ticks to delay the tremolo for.
- yy is the rate of the tremolo: specifically, how much to change the volume on a per-tempo tick basis.
- zz is the depth of the tremolo: that is, the maximum volume offset to use.
Tremolo Off (VCMD $EC)
Disables tremolo set by VCMD $EB.
Volume (VCMD $ED)
$ED xx
- xx is the volume value. The value used is a decibel-like value due to the final volume being multiplied by itself to get the final result.
Volume Fade (VCMD $EE)
$EE xx yy
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to fade for.
- yy is the target volume.
Subroutine (VCMD $EF)
$EF xx xx yy
- xx xx is a little endian pointer containing the section of music to play.
- yy is the number of times to loop the sub-routine.
Vibrato Fade In (VCMD $F0)
$F0 xx
- xx is the number of tempo ticks to fade the vibrato for.
The moment this VCMD is executed, the depth is faded in from zero.
Note Pitch Envelope To (VCMD $F1)
$F1 xx yy zz
This VCMD is applied to all subsequent notes until turned off or overwritten.
- xx is the number of tempo ticks to delay before applying the pitch envelope.
- yy is the length of the pitch slide in tempo ticks.
- zz is a signed offset in semitones to slide the note to.
Note Pitch Envelope From (VCMD $F2)
$F2 xx yy zz
This VCMD is applied to all subsequent notes until turned off or overwritten.
- xx is the number of tempo ticks to delay before applying the pitch envelope.
- yy is the length of the pitch slide in tempo ticks.
- zz is a signed offset in semitones to slide the note from: that is, unlike Note Pitch Envelope To (VCMD $F1), this is a starting note offset, rather than an end of pitch envelope note offset.
Note Pitch Envelope Off (VCMD $F3)
Disables a pitch envelope.
Fine Tune (VCMD $F4)
$F4 xx
- xx defines the amount to shift the pitch up. This is in 256ths of a semitone, albeit done via measuring the distance between note and multiplying it by this value.
Echo Enable Bits and Volume (VCMD $F5)
$F5 %xxxxxxxx yy zz
- %xxxxxxxx defines the channels to turn on for the echo (one per bit), which translates to a direct write to the EON DSP register.
- yy defines a value for EVOLL DSP register.
- zz defines a value for EVOLR DSP register.
Echo Off (VCMD $F6)
This disables echo for all channels, as well as zeroing out the echo volume and disabling echo writes.
Echo Parameter Setup (VCMD $F7)
$F7 xx yy zz
- xx defines a value for the EDL DSP register.
- yy defines a value for the EFB DSP register.
- zz defines an ID to an array of FIR coefficient values.
Echo Volume Fade (VCMD $F8)
$F8 xx yy zz
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to fade for.
- yy defines the target value for EVOLL DSP register.
- zz defines the target value for EVOLR DSP register.
Pitch Slide To Note (VCMD $F9)
$F9 xx yy zz
- xx defines the number of tempo ticks to delay the slide for.
- yy defines the length of the pitch slide in tempo ticks.
- zz is the target note.
Percussion Base Instrument ID Redefine (VCMD $FA)
$FA xx
- xx is the starting instrument ID. Note that this affects all channels.
Channel Mute (VCMD $FC)
Causes the channel to not key on subsequent notes.
Fast Forward On (VCMD $FD)
Fast Forward causes the song to stop playing and the player rapidly progresses throughout the song. Thus, this can effectively act as a skip.
Fast Forward Off (VCMD $FE)
Disables Fast Forward and continues playing the song normally.
Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen Super
Game Name | VCMD Table Location ($E0 and up) | ROM Offset |
Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen Super | 0x0DF7, relative to 0x0D37 | 0x038062/0x04805C/0x058062 |
The raw build sorting notes can be found here (along with all of the other source variant builds that don't have a significant enough difference execution-wise).
This is the closest match to a standard source N-SPC/Kankichi build used in a licensed game. This is because the only modifications made to it are to echo what was sent to any register to $2141/$F5 (although in practice only $2140/$F4 is read from, thus de facto giving it the same output, otherwise it would be cycling between the last register read code-wise as output) and zero out both $2140/$F4 and $2141/$F5 when the song is done playing when a zero pointer is read from a phase.
Output to the SNES
xx yy ?? ??
- xx is the currently piece of music playing. It takes a couple of tempo ticks for this to echo back after initializing the music.
- yy is a de-facto mirror of xx output-wise. The feedback is a little faster, though, since the output is immediately upon $2140/$F4 being read, rather than when the music is initialized.
Controller Test/World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester
Game Name | VCMD Table Location ($E0 and up) | ROM Offset |
Controller Test | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x009319 (Controller Test Cassette) 0x00BFFF (SNES Burn-In Test Cartridge) 0x00D8D2 (World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester (not used)) |
World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester (only build used across all tests) | 0x0DEC, relative to 0x0D2C | 0x0B8068 |
The raw build sorting notes can be found here (along with all of the other source variant builds that don't have a significant enough difference execution-wise).
These two sound driver builds (the one for the controller test being found in three different known testing cartridges, with one of them not used) merely have code optimizations in their sound code, thus making them completely identical execution-wise to the source build variant. In addition, the build used for World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester adds a BMI opcode in a readahead routine, but is otherwise identical.
- Imagitec Design
- Imagitec Design/Build Sorting
- Kemco
- Kemco/Build Sorting
- Konami/Build Sorting
- Nintendo
- Nintendo/Build Sorting
- Nintendo/F-Zero
- Nintendo/Koji Kondo
- Nintendo/Koji Kondo/Prototype
- Nintendo/Koji Kondo/SFX Sequence Format
- Nintendo/Sound Module and Burn-In Test
- Punk Development
- Punk Development/Build Sorting
- Source Variant ARAM Map
- Source Variant Build Sorting
- Yoshidayama-Workshop
- Yoshidayama-Workshop/Build Sorting
Not created yet...
- 64WD Creation
- Advance Communication
- Aisystem Tokyo
- Argonaut
- Axes Art Amuse
- Bit Managers
- Capcom
- Chatnoir
- Chip Level Designs
- Cream
- Crosstalk
- Cube
- Culture Brain
- Daft
- Data East
- EJ Corporation
- Electronic Arts
- Falcom
- Funcom
- Gremlin
- Hanari Exp
- Hect
- Hikoshi Hashimoto
- Home Data
- Human (earlier)
- Human
- Imagesoft
- Infogrames
- Intelligent Systems
- Japan Art Media
- Jorudan
- Kazuo Sawa
- Kennosuke Suemura
- Khaos
- Koei
- Konami
- LaserSoft
- Make Software
- Metro
- Mitsuhito Tanaka
- Monolith
- Namco
- Naohisa Morota
- Natsume
- Nichibutsu/Make Software (NOTE: Refers to three of the Super Nichibutsu Mahjong games)
- Nova
- Ocean
- Pure Sound
- Quest
- Quintet
- Robert C. Ashworth
- Sakata SAS
- Saurus
- Sunsoft
- Syscom
- System Sacom
- Systemsoft
- T's Music
- TamTam
- Team X-Fade
- Technos Japan
- Technosoft
- Tecmo
- Tose
- Tsukasa Masuko
- Virgin
- Wave
- Yoshikazu Yao
- Yoshiyuki Ishii
TODO: There are a lot of variants... these will be split into sub-pages depending on the modifications made
- Video Game Music Preservation Foundation - Kankichi-kun
- Retro Reversing - SNES (Super Famicom) Development Kit Hardware - Intelligent Systems SHVC Development System
- Super Famicom Wiki - N-SPC
- GDRI - Super Famicom/Super NES Sound Driver List
- Github - N-SPC VCMD $FB-$FE identifications
- Game Boy Development Manual - Super Game Boy Sound (see pages 187-213)