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Negative Flag

From SnesLab
Revision as of 04:16, 16 August 2024 by Xetheria (talk | contribs) (clarify what kinds of instructions modify N)
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The Negative Flag (N) is bit 7 of the 65c816's status register. It is set or cleared to reflect the most significant bit of arithmetic/logical results or pulled/loaded/transferred values. Although there are no dedicated SEN or CLN instructions to set or clear it, it can be set with SEP and cleared with REP:

SEP #$80
REP #$80

These instructions also affect the negative flag (this bulleted list being 38 long):

Also, LSR always clears the negative flag because it also shifts a zero into the operand's most significant bit, making it non-negative. Push instructions do not affect the negative flag.

BPL and BMI examine the negative flag to decide whether or not to branch.

See Also
